food, evolved

Edimus is a free app with the goal of improving nutritional awareness in the world. Please scroll down for more details.

How can edimus help?

Edimus can help you answer these type of questions:

About foods:

  • How much sugar do pears contain?
  • Is quinoa a balanced source of nutrition?
  • Which foods contain the most vitamin C?
  • Which foods are considered cruciferous vegetables?
  • Which amino acids are found in eggs?
  • What types of fatty acids are found in salmon?
  • Do black beans have more protein than lentils?
  • What is the recommended daily intake of iron according to the National Institute of Health?
  • Do any scientific studies show a correlation between certain foods and kidney stones?
  • Are there any scientific studies on the consumption of fatty fish?
  • Are there any scientific studies on how certain foods may affect sleep?

About the diary:

  • When was the last time I ate avocados?
  • What is the nutritional profile of this meal?
  • Which nutrients am I consuming most often?
  • How much sugar is in this Coca Cola?
  • Has my salmon consumption increased in the last month?
  • Is my blood pressure trending upward?
  • How much did I weigh six months ago?
  • Have I been meditating as much as I want to?
  • How many times did I go for a run last week?
  • Am I drinking enough water?
  • Did I drink my green juice this morning?
  • Does my stool float often?
  • How much money have I been spending on coffee?
  • In what part of my body did I get stung by the bee last year?
  • How many miles was my road trip?
  • At what voltage, wattage, amperes, and maximum temperature did my last sauna session operate at?

Whether it be energy, force, temperature, mass, time, frequency, distance, volume, currencies, or something else. If its important to you, you can track it with the edimus diary!

About groceries and products:

  • Which ingredients does this product contain?
  • What is the Nutri-Score of this product?
  • What does this product look like?
  • What is the recommended serving size for this product?
  • Which nutrients is this product rich in?
  • Which products are in my shopping list?
  • Which products do I need to buy at Whole Foods?
  • Which products do I need from the produce section?
  • Is this product organic/gluten free/kosher/vegan?

Future updates:

In future updates we hope to be able to help you answer the following types of questions:

  • When are cherries in season?
  • Which countries are the leading exporters of bananas?
  • Which foods have a low/high pesticide/toxin count?
  • Which foods are complementary?
  • Can you eat raw broccoli?
  • At what temperature should I cook salmon?
  • Which store sells this product the cheapest?
  • Are there alternatives to this product with a better nutritional profile?
  • Are there any additives in this product?
  • What purpose does this additive serve?
  • How does digestion work?
  • How do different foods affect blood sugar?
  • How does food affect our gut biome?
  • How does the bacteria in our gut affect our well being?